
The transition towards a more sustainable management of natural resources is a necessity that cannot be ignored.

As a business aimed at reducing the impact of our activities, it is essential to mitigate the effects of climate change to ensure the stability of human quality of life.

To adequately respond to this important challenge, L.E.G.O. believes it is essential to raise awareness of current and future regulations among managers and employees. Industrial activity managers hold regular training meetings to ensure they responsibly convey information to all stakeholders.

The system certifications

Management system certifications represent a structured set of rules and procedures, established in accordance with internationally recognized standards. They embody a shared work culture, based on professional excellence, and confirm L.E.G.O.’s reliability in replicating a high-level performance over time.

DNV GL ISO 14001:2015 Environmental System Certification

ISO 14001:2015

The purpose of this standard is to specify the requirements needed to implement a system that enables a company to improve its performance in terms of managing environmental policies. In March 2012, the Vicenza plant achieved ISO 14001:2015 certification as proof of its commitment to help respect the environment.

Imprim'Vert Mark


The Lavis plant has been awarded the Imprim’Vert diploma. This award is for the following criteria: compliant disposal of hazardous waste, safe storage of hazardous liquids, non-use of toxic products, environmental awareness of employees and customers as well as for the monitoring of energy consumption of production sites.

Chain of Custody Certifications

L.E.G.O. cooperates with leading international organisations whose principles are based on forest conservation, respect for workers’ rights and the creation of economically sustainable markets. Our products can be certified:

License Code FSC-C023419 | Legatoria Editoriale Giovanni Olivotto L.E.G.O. S.p.A. - www.legogroup.com

FSC® – Forest Stewardship Council®

FSC® sustainability protocols guarantee respect for local communities, habitats of plant and animal species and workers’ rights. Chain of Custody certification is essential to ensure the traceability of materials from FSC® certified forests.

License Code PEFC/18-31-280 | Legatoria Editoriale Giovanni Olivotto L.E.G.O. S.p.A. - www.legogroup.com

PEFC – Programme for the Endorsment of Forest Certification

Chain of Custody (CoC) certification keeps track of the origin of the raw materials used in the final product by certifying that only sources managed according to strict sustainability protocols are considered at each stage of the supply chain.

Electricity from renewable sources

At the Vicenza headquarters, a photovoltaic system has been installed for the production of electricity from renewable sources.
Made up of more than 1000 panels, the system is able to generate a total power output of 520 kWp giving an annual production of over 576000 kWh.
This system saves approximately 150 tons of carbon dioxide per year.

A high-efficiency natural gas cogeneration system for the combined production of electricity and heat has been installed at the Lavis plant.

During 2024 we installed three photovoltaic systems with power outputs of 150.00 kWp, 245.025 kWp and 365.40 kWp respectively to cover the needs of the plant in Lavis. The photovoltaic system now includes 1600 panels with a peak power of 840 kWp and an expected production of about 900000 kWh/year.

The project was co-financed by the ERDF 2021-2027 programme of the Autonomous Province of Trento

Neutral thermal energy

In the 1980s L.E.G.O. discontinued with the use of oil for heating and a wood chip burner was installed in the Vicenza plant.
During the winter months «disposable» wooden pallets used for paper transportation are chipped and used to generate heat for the entire plant. All particulates are carefully filtered and the process is considered «neutral» as the carbon dioxide released equates to that absorbed by the plant during photosynthesis.

Wooden disposable pallet

The wooden disposable pallets are stripped of their nails

The wood chipper

The woody material is fed into the chipper hopper

Wood chips

Wood chips are obtained from the crushing of the woody material

The burner

The wood chip-fired burner provides for winter heating of the entire Vicenza plant

Reducing waste

The L.E.G.O. waste paper recovery system reduces the need to cut down trees to produce paper. The fibers obtained from the recycling of industrial waste paper can be used to produce papers that do not require special qualities, such as newsprint.

The suction system

The residues coming from each processing station are sorted and conveyed to a paper waste suction system

The conveyor belt

The sieved paper is conveyed to the waste paper baler

The compacting press

A press compacts the waste paper into balls

Baled waste paper

The waste paper is stored to be used as feedstocks for making recycled paper

GHG emissions report (Scope 1+2+3)
