
Paperback is a type of binding in which the book block can be milled or sewn along the back of all signatures.
The cover is made of a single element, mainly in cardboard. Once printed and finished, the cover is creased and glued to the spine of the book block.
Perfect-bound covers may have flap and/or a small turn-in.

Paperback | Legatoria Editoriale Giovanni Olivotto L.E.G.O. S.p.A. –
📖 BOOK BLOCK sewn, milled or perforated
📃 ENDPAPERS optional item
👑 HEAD & TAIL BANDS item not compatible with the type of binding
🔖 RIBBON MARKER item not compatible with the type of binding
📕 TYPES OF COVER standard or with flaps
📄 CORNERS it is possible to round both the corners of the book block and the cover
📓 DUST JACKET optional item
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Bookbinding techniques
